28 de setembro de 2011

When two notes meet

They say life is hard
They say love is made to fall apart
They say so much
They feel so little
But out of blue
We can meet someone like you
A company to go against the crowd
And just like when two notes find each other in that music
We got closer
Even when we are not near
Two eyes to see
Two ears to listen
Two hands to bring words and music
Two arms to embrace tight
One great big heart with a melody inside
A lot of dreams to sparkle
A friend
An inspiration
A sign
Faith is real
Love is gold
And if the music stops for a while
The sky is never too far
It will always be wherever you are

(Um humilde presente para a minha amiga Lu que sempre me inspira com o suas palavras e com suas músicas)

Um comentário:

Luciana Elaiuy disse...

vc não existeee!!! que coisa mais linda gabi.......! tears tears... cheers! te amo, your are golden!
