21 de fevereiro de 2011

Presente do dia

Obrigada meemix!
(fico impressionada como Deus é detalhista e manda presentes sempre que eu estou precisando..presentes em forma de música ou de céu...do jeito que eu gosto! Definitivamente, tudo vem no momento certo!)

Something's going to home - Adem

don't look so forlorned
cause somethings going to come
I don't know where from
I don't when

don't you look so sad
cause somethings going to come
I don't where from
don't know when

don't you look at me
like things aren't going to be
the way we thought they'd be
cause we've got love

always love

don't you turn around
have faith in what we choose
cause life can sense your attitude
I don't know how

you've got to realize
that hope looks in your eyes
if you look away it flies
lets look forward

if you still believe
that things are going to be
like we hoped they'd be
then we'll have love

always love

ps: lição do dia: forlorned! nunca tinha ouvido essa palavra antes!

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