25 de abril de 2011

Listen to the speed of life

"Do you wanna know what is speed? I will tell you what it is. It´s the moment you've always been waiting for. You trained a lot for it, but that moment, that atmosphere you cannot create. It´s unique. Nothing can go wrong because once you're inside the speed atmosphere, mistakes become even bigger. You can put speed everywhere in life, metaphorically. But when you are really fast, i mean, really, it's you living that metaphore you apply everywhere in life. Speed is your chance. Speed is your shoot. Speed is living high. Speed is a single tenth of second. I can tell you, every moment of your life that you were excited about doing or deciding something, you can say you were on high speed. That tenth of second coundn't get wrong. One right decision leads you to the victory, doesn't matter where you are or what you've done. " (Bruno Bonifacio)

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